Business Transformation Governance - or how to keep your governance alive throughout the transformation lifecycle

- Ikemefuna Allen

Business Transformation aims at making fundamental changes in the way an organization operates. One can imagine that initiating the change and the resulting impact on people comes with many challenges. Because Business Transformation is always in a state of evolution, it is very challenging to maintain the procedures and guardrails for managing transformation programs as they expand in complexity over different phases. Therefore, such programs often experience one or more of the following symptoms as they evolve and their magnitude increases:

It goes without saying that the above-mentioned symptoms can have dire consequences on the wellbeing and future of the transformation undertaking. Our experience points to the fact that these issues will not occur when good governance is established and maintained throughout the lifetime of transformation. Good governance helps avoid Business Transformations failing by means of establishing:

  • A single source of truth for requirement

  • Change Management for constantly evolving requirements

  • A link between requirements and test

  • Traceability of requirements through the development life cycle

  • Clear definition of roles and communication between stakeholders

  • Cross-functional ownership

  • Performance indicators to measure success of the transformation program

Understanding holistic transformation governance

Let me use the analogy of the big bang and expanding universe to explain our philosophy on holistic transformation governance. In this light, governance establishes the natural laws for effectively managing transformations as they expand over their lifetime. These natural laws consist of the transformation initiative’s meta model or grand design of the relationships between the ‘matter’ and substances, i.e. how stakeholders and project team, and design and implementation interact during the transformation. Holistic governance establishes the rules on how ‘matter’ should interact over time and space, and thus, in context of a complex initiative, how the grand design should be implemented.

For governance to work over time, one must go beyond its initial setup and put in place a framework that allows governance to adapt as the scope changes. This approach ensures that governance remains intact as transformations expand in scope and over time. What follows are the steps we advise should be taken to ensure that governance stays alive as the transformation program evolves:

  • Define the product governance as part of the transformation product backlog. This includes

    • the meta model (content to be governed, i.e. business processes, systems, data but also all related documentation and communication results),

    • governance processes (i.e. decisions taking, approval and change request processes),

    • governance roles (i.e. business process owner and product owner) and

    • tools (modelling, DMS, test management, task tracking, etc).

  • Incorporate governance-related user stories into sprint planning to address all governance related requirements

  • Run sprints and deliver governance related sprint backlog requirements. Here each phase of the transformation program can be broken down into two to four week sprints.

  • Sprint review enables assessing the applicability of the governance concept to the evolving transformation program. At this point, it is important to consider whether there are dedicated changes of phases that require an adjustment of the governance (e.g. going from build to deploy would require considering new roles such as trainers and end users).

  • Release & deliver governance content to users

  • Refine backlog items including user stories pertaining the governance (where needed)

Call for action

Good governance helps avoid Business Transformations failing by means of maintaining the procedures and guardrails that manage programs as they expand in complexity over different phases. In order for governance to work over time, businesses must go beyond implementing governance just once by defining – at an early stage –a program management manual. It is necessary to put in place a framework that facilitates “governance to evolve”, thus remaining intact as transformations expand in scope and execution complexity as they evolve from design to delivery.

At bpExperts we have developed a framework which helps companies expedite the setup of their holistic transformation governance. It consists of a reference architecture for the meta model, reference content for industrial enterprises, governance roles and processes.

 For inquiries on transformation governance and how we can support your organization please feel free to contact me.

Best regards

Ikemefuna Allen

Webinar: Prozessorientierung und Risikomanagement - ein perfektes Paar am 28.04.2017

Jedes Unternehmen ist Risiken ausgesetzt. Risiken sind der Ausdruck der Unsicherheit in Bezug auf definierte Ziele, die entweder aus dem Unternehmen selbst, z.B. durch die Strategie, oder von außen, z.B. durch gesetzliche Regelungen, vorgegeben werden. Beim Risikomanagement geht es darum, diese Unsicherheiten zu bewerten und vorausschauend anzugehen. In Verbindung mit einer prozessorientierten Sichtweise unterstützt das Risikomanagement Sie dabei, Risiken in einem aussagekräftigen Zusammenhang zu identifizieren, anzugehen und unter Kontrolle zu halten. 

In unserem kostenlosen 60-minütigen Webinar in Kooperation mit Signavio am Freitag, den 28. April 2017 um 11.00 Uhr zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit einem prozessorientierten Vorgehen Ihr Risikomanagement effizient in Angriff nehmen und mit Signavio optimal unterstützen. 

Erfahren Sie, 

  • warum Prozessorientierung und Risikomanagement ein perfektes Paar sind,

  • wie Sie Ihre Risiken in Signavio sinnvoll abbilden und direkt in Ihre Prozesslandschaft integrieren,

  • und wie Sie neue Anforderungen, Gesetze und Regularien pragmatisch in Ihr Risikomanagement aufnehmen.

Webinar: ARIS GRC am 02.02.2017

- Jochen König

Webinar ARIS GRC in Kooperation mit der Software AG

Jedes Unternehmen ist Risiken ausgesetzt. Um diese zu beherrschen und einzugrenzen, ist es wichtig, sie systematisch zu beurteilen. Der erste Schritt dazu ist, den Kontext zu verstehen, aus dem sich die Risiken ergeben.

Risiken sind der Ausdruck der Unsicherheit in Bezug auf definierte Ziele. Ziele können dabei aus dem Unternehmen selbst, z. B. durch die Strategie, oder von außen, z. B. durch gesetzliche Regelungen, vorgegeben werden. Da sich die Ziele eines Unternehmens immer wieder ändern, ist effektives Risikomanagement immer ein kontinuierlicher Prozess.

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Software AG möchten wir Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie effizient die risiko- und prozessorientierte Betrachtung neuer Zielvorgaben angehen können.

Erfahren Sie,

  • wie neue Anforderungen, Gesetze und Regularien (wie z. B. GDPR, die neue EU-Richtlinie zum Datenschutz) pragmatisch in Ihr Risikomanagement aufnehmen,

  • warum Prozessorientierung und Risikomanagement ein perfektes Paar sind,

  • wie Sie Ihre Risiken in ARIS sinnvoll abbilden und direkt in Ihre Prozesslandschaft integrieren.

In unserem Webinar erhalten Sie in 45 Minuten einen Überblick, wie Sie ihr Risikomanagement einfach und effizient mit ARIS steuern.

What is the right BPM tool?

The variety of BPM tools in the market today can be overwhelming.

We at bpE are preparing a webinar evaluating BPM tools for business process modeling and analysis popular in the German manufacturing industry. The results subsequently will be published as a white paper. Our evaluation criteria address three fundamental objectives:

  • Ease of use - How simple is the user interaction?
  • Smartness - How much can a user achieve with the tool?
  • Readiness to use - How much effort does the set-up take?
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