Synopsis - bpExpert's Business Transformation Day 2019 @ Merck

Depending on the objective of your BPM initiative your process documentation will differ in its underlying architecture and methodology, the manner in which processes are described and what artifacts are attached to them. However, all sustainable initiatives share one thing: They succeed in providing a common structure and business dictionary to enable communication.

On the 26th of September, we had the pleasure that our 7th annual customer event was hosted by Merck in Darmstadt. The agenda of the day you can find here. I’d like to express my deepest thanks to our hosts and would like to give a synopsis of the presentations and break-out sessions we had:

The first presentation showed us that multiple business area-specific ERP templates can be managed within one BPM framework at Merck. How the “abstract” process world from an ERP template can be linked to the operations of organizations within one particular country. It was explained how a common structure enables an industrialized roll-out approach from business roles to authorizations and training.

Participants of bpExpert’s 7th annual customer event in Darmstadt

Having achieved the objective of supporting first-time rollouts, the next challenge is transforming the BPM organization to enable them for a combined rollout and run mode.

This was the topic of the second speaker from Phoenix Contact. Since 2003, empowered by a strong mandate of senior management, Phoenix contact established a strictly governed process lifecycle management. Among the benefits of having a common process language worldwide and a single source of truth are high internal customer satisfaction, business insights into harmonization potentials, internal benchmarks, and easy comparison and evaluation of processes. Not for free – challenges and constant efforts to maintain a strong community over so many years and to administer a holistic process management set-up must be mentioned.

A great example of how a common process language acts as a catalyst for boosting improvements and automation was given by the next speaker, responsible for BPM in R&D at Merck Healthcare. The objective, in this case, was not efficiency but effectiveness. Effectiveness in the collaboration between the different departments within the R&D organization and beyond. In a short period of time and with an approach of small incremental steps, the project succeeded in adding structure to the assignments of responsibilities, in interactions and handovers. With this, the guardrails on the way towards a consolidated landscape of quality documents (e.g. procedures and related information) were defined and thus the space for creativity and innovation in a highly regulated environment was enlarged.

Giving freedom for adjustments of process documentation to reflect the nature of different areas within a research-driven organization while keeping everything together in one structure was the topic of the presentation by Miltenyi Biotec. Objectives such as efficiency and better collaboration had to be in line with out-of-the-silo thinking as well as regulatory compliance. All this for building the basis for future digitalization. A comprehensive but robust and simple structure combined with easy comprehensible and uniform process mapping enables a broad communication and collaboration among empowered contributors and fosters active ownership and encourages taking responsibility.

In break-out sessions and individual conversations in smaller groups throughout the day, all participants elaborated on the various aspects of the presented initiatives and shared their individual insights under the motto “What’s in it for me”. Some of the highlights from this sessions where the benefit of integrating classic LEAN tools like SIPOC sheets (supplier, input, process, output, customer) on a higher level of the process architecture, different approaches towards governance and approval workflows, ways of stakeholder management and connecting the individual to the whole, and – across all the different facets of change – BPM does not replace communication but it enables it with the provided structure and common process language.

Please feel free to comment or reach out to me personally if you are interested in discussing any of the above-mentioned topics. And for sure we will be glad to greet you to our next year’s event.

Key Notes update - Business Transformation Day 2019

Gülsüm Ucuran

On September 26th, our Business Transformation Day will take place at our customer Merck KGaA in Darmstadt. With a panel of key note speakers and participants from diverse organizations we will discuss how BPM delivers tangible benefits. The topics will span from global ERP template programs to enterprise quality management and operational excellence.

Please look forward to: 

  • Managing multiple ERP templates and projects within a single integrated BPM platform.
    Carsten Schöne, Business Process Owner Govern to Enable, Merck KGaA

  • Process orientation in pharmaceutical research and development - a BPM approach to quality management.
    Marc Seyfarth, Head of R&D Business Process & QD Management, Merck Healthcare KGaA

  • Implementing BPM from scratch - Set up a process approach in a research-driven environment.
    Julian Paulisch, Business Process Manager, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH

  • The fate of system process documentation after go-live. Template governance and as-is process documentation in a multi-site set-up.
    Katharina Koston, Project Manager, Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

Additional group discussions and breakouts provide the space for stripping away the jargon and jointly create new insights.

The participation is free of charge. 

  • 26.09.2019, 9:00 - 16:00 Uhr

  • Darmstadt

Please understand that the number of participant space is limited. More information about the travel accommodation and the event flyer will be sent to the registered participants shortly.  

Key Notes update - Business Transformation Day 2019

Gülsüm Ucuran

On September 26th, our Business Transformation Day will take place at our customer Merck KGaA in Darmstadt. With a panel of key note speakers and participants from diverse organizations we will discuss how BPM delivers tangible benefits. The topics will span from global ERP template programs to enterprise quality management and operational excellence.

Please look forward to: 

  • Managing multiple ERP templates and projects within a single integrated BPM platform.
    Carsten Schöne, Business Process Owner Govern to Enable, Merck KGaA

  • Process orientation in pharmaceutical research and development - a BPM approach to quality management.
    Marc Seyfarth, Head of R&D Business Process & QD Management, Merck Healthcare KGaA

  • Implementing BPM from scratch - Set up a process approach in a research-driven environment.
    Julian Paulisch, Business Process Manager, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH

  • The fate of system process documentation after go-live. Template governance and as-is process documentation in a multi-site set-up.
    Katharina Koston, Project Manager, Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

Additional group discussions and breakouts provide the space for stripping away the jargon and jointly create new insights.

The participation is free of charge. 

  • 26.09.2019, 9:00 - 16:00 Uhr

  • Darmstadt

Please understand that the number of participant space is limited. More information about the travel accommodation and the event flyer will be sent to the registered participants shortly.  

Operational Excellence - Einladung BPM-Live Webinar am 24.04.2018

Die Business Process Experts GmbH lädt Sie in Kooperation mit unserem Partner Signavio herzlich zum kostenlosen Online-Event BPM Live „Operational Excellence in der Praxis" am 24.04.2018 ab 13.30 Uhr MESZ ein.

Folgende Inhalte werden in einem prozessorientierten und praxisbezogenen Ansatz in drei Webinaren vorgestellt:

  • Operational Excellence in 7 Schritten
    Lukas Runge, Signavio GmbH

  • Mit Prozess­management „Operational Excellence“ Aktivi­täten erfolg­reich managen
    Dr. Jochen König, Business Process Experts GmbH

  • Eine holistische Perspektive auf das Prozess­management
    Valentin Jäger, Taifun-Tofu GmbH

Unser Beitrag fokussiert sich auf die Einordnung von „Operational Excellence“ als Methodenfamilie im Zusammenhang mit LEAN, Six Sigma und Geschäftsprozessmanagement (BPM). Insbesondere wird betrachtet, inwiefern BPM hilft, den kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozess im Unternehmen global zu steuern und zu verankern:

  • Prozesslandkarten zur Strukturierung und Definition von Verantwortlichkeiten

  • Prozesssteckbriefe zur Definition und Dokumentation von Zielen und Identifizierung von Handlungsfeldern

  • End-to-end Geschäftsvorfälle zur Identifikation von Integrationsbedarfen

  • Prozessrisiken und Erfolgsfaktoren dokumentieren/modellieren

  • Governance-Modelle zum Nachhalten beschlossener Maßnahmen

  • Kollaboration als Mittel zur Kommunikation von Veränderungen und Interaktion mit Usern

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!



bpExperts Kundentag 2017: Business transformation is a capability, not a project

Unsere Erfahrung mit Kunden und ihren Veränderungsprojekten zeigt, dass der klassische Ansatz zu Beginn umfangreicher Transformationen Umfang und Anforderungen strikt zu definieren und festzuschreiben an der Lebenswirklichkeit vorbeigeht. Unternehmen sind gefordert, sich stetig auf sich ändernde externe und interne Bedingungen und Einflüsse einzustellen. Häufig erfordert dies die kontinuierliche Steuerung und gegebenenfalls Justierung der Projektgrenzen und der Business Requirements.

Prozessmanagement und agile Methoden helfen sicherlich in Bezug auf Business Requirements. Sie liefern aber in Hinblick auf Veränderung des Projektumfangs und der Rahmenbedingungen keine umfassenden Antworten. Die Lösung liegt im strategischen und nachhaltigen Aufbau der Fähigkeit einer Organisation zur Business Transformation.

Wir möchten mit Ihnen unsere These „Business transformation is a capability, not a project“ diskutieren und laden Sie zu unserem jährlichen Kundentag am 21.09.2017 in Frankfurt ein. Kundenvorträge aus der Praxis dienen als Anstoß und Katalysator für Erfahrungsaustausch und Networking:

  • nowhere: Schlüsselfaktor Mensch bei der Business Transformation: Neu denken, handeln, fühlen - Wofür?
  • Merck: Lead the change - Future role of Business Architects
  • DSM: Balancing the human element in business transformation of IT within DSM
  • Phoenix Contact: Prozessmanagement im Spannungsfeld von globalen IT Projekten und lokalen Audits

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Praktiker aus (Projekt-)Management in Business und IT, die eine aktive Rolle in der Planung und Durchführung von Transformationsinitiativen haben.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Frankfurt persönlich begrüßen zu dürfen.