Keep Calm the End of R/3 is Near! Free Webinar - 10.04.2018, 14:30 CEST

Russell Gomersall

Or how Business Flows helps you from falling off the digital cliff

SAP's announcement to prolong mainstream maintenance until the end of 2025 will reassure SAP customers, that they receive adequate time to migrate to the new S/4 HANA digital platform. Taking into consideration the pressure on companies to ‘digitalize’, this seems like a fair amount of time. On the other hand, experience of past and current business transformation initiatives left many stakeholders uncertain about if or how to proceed with current deployments of SAP’s Business Suite and when best to change to the new technology. Considering this, 2025 seems nearer than you may think.

This will be the reason why many customers are currently evaluating S/4 HANA and rethinking their business transformation strategy.

During evaluations many questions relate to the major shift in technology such as

  • In memory technology

  • Fiori Apps (UI and mobile applications)

  • Cloud

  • Application architecture and integration

To answer this, SAP and implementation partners such as Steeb offer ‘value maps’ with pre-scoped solutions for various industries.

As a starting point we believe this approach is of great value. Nevertheless, one must consider that simplification as proposed by SAP and the shift to new technologies can result in companies neglecting the requirements of their existing organization and processes.

Taking the magnitude of the strategic shift into consideration, we believe the evaluation needs to go deeper in order to answer questions such as

  • What are the core business drivers we want to excel in and how can SAP’s digital platform help us achieve these targets?

  • How much simplification can the company afford and in which areas do we need to stay ‘complicated’?

  • Which deployment strategies fit to my companies setup?

  • How are organization and people impacted by the new technology?

 We recommend to focus on 3 elements in preparation of your S/4 HANA evaluations:

  1. Scope your core operating models by defining E2E scenarios

  2. Define strategic Business Drivers and map them to the scenarios

  3. Define your enterprise structures and deployment entities (regions/countries/sites) and create sub-scopes of your processes

In Business Flows we offer accelerators for this preparation. 

  • Comprehensive E2E business process reference model for industrial enterprises

  • Business/Value driver library

  • S/4 HANA Capabilities (mapped to Scenarios)

  • S/4 HANA Simplifications (mapped to Scenarios and Processes)

With this prepared, you can engage with business functions (experts) from your organisation and S/4 HANA experts (typically SAP or system integrator) to identify fits and gaps of the S/4 HANA solution, elaborate answers to the above mentioned questions as well as define a high level migration strategy. 

In our webinar we would like to present to you our approach to S/4 HANA evaluations based on Business Flows and show examples on how to define feasible scenarios for your migration and identify the key opportunities and threats.
On the bottom line, we believe in the context of 2025 the End of R/3 is Near but you can Keep Calm if you go about it the right way. 

Webinar: Business Flows — Reference Model and Best Practice, 8th June, 5 p.m. CEST (english presentation)

In this free 45 minute webinar with Signavio you will learn how to bring process initiatives to life with our Business Flows reference model and methodologies. 

Business Flows will be introduced and presented with detailed use cases on how you can successfully put in place the framework for your process initiative or transformation project. 

We will be covering: 

  • Introduction to reference models and the motivation for Business Flows

  • Business Flows scope and process domains:

  • E2E concept and architecture

  • BPMN granularity and modeling in Signavio

  • Presentation of selected business scenarios and process

  • Applications for the use of reference models

Following the presentation you will have the opportunity to put your questions to our industry experts. 

Webinar: Prozessorientierung und Risikomanagement - ein perfektes Paar am 28.04.2017

Jedes Unternehmen ist Risiken ausgesetzt. Risiken sind der Ausdruck der Unsicherheit in Bezug auf definierte Ziele, die entweder aus dem Unternehmen selbst, z.B. durch die Strategie, oder von außen, z.B. durch gesetzliche Regelungen, vorgegeben werden. Beim Risikomanagement geht es darum, diese Unsicherheiten zu bewerten und vorausschauend anzugehen. In Verbindung mit einer prozessorientierten Sichtweise unterstützt das Risikomanagement Sie dabei, Risiken in einem aussagekräftigen Zusammenhang zu identifizieren, anzugehen und unter Kontrolle zu halten. 

In unserem kostenlosen 60-minütigen Webinar in Kooperation mit Signavio am Freitag, den 28. April 2017 um 11.00 Uhr zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit einem prozessorientierten Vorgehen Ihr Risikomanagement effizient in Angriff nehmen und mit Signavio optimal unterstützen. 

Erfahren Sie, 

  • warum Prozessorientierung und Risikomanagement ein perfektes Paar sind,

  • wie Sie Ihre Risiken in Signavio sinnvoll abbilden und direkt in Ihre Prozesslandschaft integrieren,

  • und wie Sie neue Anforderungen, Gesetze und Regularien pragmatisch in Ihr Risikomanagement aufnehmen.

On-demand best practice processes - Introducing Business Flows

bpExperts therefore proudly presents Business Flows! The first on-demand business process reference content accessible for all.

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