Procrastinating involving the business in planning and shaping your large system implementation as outlined by Dr. Russell Gomersall in his post "Are you also procrastinating about getting your business involved in the preparation of your HANA initiative?" is bad enough. But neglecting taking your future user base along and enabling them to actively embrace the change is asking for failure of your initiative.
Neglecting the need for investing into Change Management often is the result of classical group-think. The members of the Steering Committee and the project leaders spent significant efforts discussing if the project is needed and what its scope should be. They came to the conclusion that the change is needed, have weighted the risks and see the future benefit. - With a case so clear, how could anyone still have doubts or be reluctant?
Another reason for neglecting the need for change management is the focus short-to-mid-term urgency. Internal and external resources need to be staffed, technical decisions need to be made, project plans crafted, and issues resolved to start creating any change. And funding is short anyway. - Let's wait with the users till we have a clearer picture and know what still fits into the budget.
Obviously, this is short-sighted.
The more central a system is to an organization's operations and the larger the number of direct and indirect users of that system, the more important it is to actively manage the change. Leaders need to understand that the organization will have gotten used to the old ways of doing things and employees will have optimized their ways of delivering the best possible job with the old system. There will always be uneasiness or fear of what the new system will bring, and if the colourful promises will materialize even remotely.
Moving from one stabile state to another takes overcoming the required activation level. You will not succeed having a tea party by just anticipating how nice it would be or assuming that everyone would agree to come or by writing the best recipes.
Change management not only channels the required activation energy into the organization, it also makes sure you do not end up with a bonfire. And that is also why change management is not 'just communication'. At least when communication is understood as repeatedly preaching a message without listening to, and understanding the audience first hand. Therefore, communication really must be conversation, a truly bidirectional exchange.
The key to not fall into the trap of change management dropping out of the project scope is to create and maintain awareness of the magnitude of change within leadership. The bigger the change the more important it is that leadership provides their support, and expresses it authentically and believably, and on many levels.
Engaging dedicated support for the taks will be instrumental. Shaping and executing change management is not a side dish of the project manager. You may find interested and capable talent inside your organization or hire external professionals. In any case the change manager should understand your business (processes) and the goal for changing. The change manager's prime task is to catalyse creating and executing the change strategy with clear and consistent messages, regular monitoring follow-up, and the willingness and capability to bring feedback to the project team.
In bpExperts we have gathered many years of experience of preparing, scoping, and supporting the implementation of process-driven change of IT systems and organizations. We have developed the capabilities and approaches to help you taking the natural inertia above and beyond the activation level and guide it to the desired state:
We care, we act, we deliver!
Squeezing change management out of the budget will dramatically increase the risk of the project. Do you recall the old wisdom 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast'? - It is the same for new (strategic) systems and operations. If you do not win your users over, the implementation will fail; probably even before any deployments.